The Ritual of Mandala Offering
Mandala offering symbolizes an offering of the entire universe and other priceless objects present within it to the Buddhas in order to accrue merit. Manda means the essence or midpoint and circumference and la means “taking hold of”. Thus, mandala refers to grasping the basis or essence for achieving all the magnificent qualities of the higher realms and the kingdom of Dharma, the sacred truths of cessation and the path.
As per the Buddhist cosmology, the earth is considered flat with a giant mountain, Mount Meru in the middle, bordered by four major continents, each with two main and several minor sub-continents. There are incalculable of similar realms and we visualize offering all these worlds considering them as unpolluted lands and offered to the Buddhas and great enlightened beings.
I would briefly explain the Thirty-Seven Point Mandala Offering as per Chögyal Pakpa Lodrö Gyaltsen. The simple copper plated mandala set shown below is offered on my altar. A rice grain is used to construct the mandala. Depending on affordability, mandala sets made out of other precious materials such as Gold and Silver are also offered. In addition, Gemstones, Pearls, coins and other invaluable ornaments are used to construct the mandala. Intrinsic Buddhist symbols such as 8 auspicious sings (བཀྲིས་རྟགས་བརྒྱད), 7 attributes of royalty(རྒྱལ་སྲིིད་སྣ་བདུན), and offering of 5 senses (འདོད་ཡོན་ལྔ) are also embossed on each band of the mandala set.
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The full illustration of 37-point mandala offering |
Simple Copper plated mandala set
The offering of outer and inner universe through the thirty-seven features is one of
the popular practices in Buddhism as described below:
1. Mount Meru (རི་རབ) is a square shaped mountain with four sides, larger at the top and narrow towards the bottom.
2-5) The four continents (གླིང་བཞི་) are:
i. Purvavideha ( ཤར་གྱི་ལུས་འཕགས) means surpassing the Body. It’s located in the East of Mount Meru, semi-circular and white in colour.
ii. Jambudvipa (འཛམ་བུའི་གླིང) means Rose-Apple Continent situated to the South of Mount Meru, trapezoidal and blue. This continent is inhabited by human beings.
iii. Aparagodaniya (བ་ལང་སྤྱོད) means bountiful of cattle. It’s found to the west of Mount Meru, circular and ruby red.
iv. Uttarakuru (སྒྲ་མི་སྙན) refers to unpleasant sound and positioned in the North of Mount Meru. It appears square and green
6-13) The eight subcontinents:
Each of the four continents are adjoined by two subcontinents (གླིང་ཕྲན) with same shapes and colors. Among the 8 subcontinents, the Chamara subcontinent of Jambudvipa (‘the realm of Ngayab Ling’ རྔ་ཡབ་གླིང), is said to be dwelled by rakshasa demons (སྲིན་པོ- an evil spirit that ingest human flesh), whereas remaining island-continents are inhabited by human beings with diverse characters. The eight subcontinents are as follows:
i. Deha (Lü ལུས) and ii. Videha (Lüpak ལུས་འཕགས) which surrounds Purvavideha (eastern continent);
iii. Chamara (Ngayab རྔ་ཡབ།) and iv. Aparachamara (Ngayabshyen རྔ་ཡབ་གཞན།) which encircle Jambudvipa (southern continent)
v. Shatha (Yoden གཡོ་ལྡན) and vi. Uttaramantrina (Lamchokdro ལམ་མཆོག་འགྲོ།) which surrounds Aparagodaniya (western continent)
vii. Kurava (Draminyen སྒྲ་མི་སྙན) and viii. Kaurava (Draminyen gyi da སྒྲ་མི་སྙན་གྱི་ཟླ།) which surroundsUttarakuru (eastern continent)
14) The jewel mountain (རིན་པོ་ཆེའི་རི་བོ།)
15) the wish-fulfilling tree (དཔག་བསམ་གྱི་ཤིང༌།)
16) The wish-fulfilling cow (འདོད་འཇོའི་བ།)
17) The harvest which needs no sowing (མ་རྨོས་པའི་ལོ་ཏོག)
18-24) The seven attributes of royalty (རྒྱལ་སྲིད་སྣ་བདུན) are the seven possessions of a (universal monarch- འཁོར་ལོས་སྒྱུར་བའི་རྒྱལ་པོ།) who possess the power to overcome, conquer and rule all inhabitants of the universe.
i. The precious golden wheel (‘khorlo rinpoche’ འཁོར་ལོ་རིན་པོ་ཆེ།)
ii. The precious wish-fulfilling jewel (‘norbu rinpoche’ ནོར་བུ་རིན་པོ་ཆེ།)
iii. The precious queen (‘btsunmo rinpoche’ བཙུན་མོ་རིན་པོ་ཆེ།)
iv. The precious minister (‘blonpo rinpoche’ བློན་པོ་རིན་པོ་ཆེ།)
v. The precious elephant (‘glangpo rinpoche’ གླང་པོ་རིན་པོ་ཆེ།)
vi. The precious horse (‘rtamchog rinpoche’ རྟ་མཆོག་རིན་པོ་ཆེ།)
vii. The precious general (‘dmagdpon rinpoche’ དམག་དཔོན་རིན་པོ་ཆེ།)
25) the vase of great treasure (གཏེར་ཆེན་པོའི་བུམ་པ།)
26-33) the eight offering goddesses are:
i. Goddess of Beauty (Gekpama སྒེག་པ་མ།)
ii. Goddess of Beauty (Gekpama སྒེག་པ་མ།)
iii. Goddess of Song (Luma གླུ་མ།)
iv. Goddess of Dance (Garma གར་མ།)
v. Goddess of Flowers (Metokma མེ་ཏོག་མ།)
vi. Goddess of Incense (Dukpöma བདུག་སྤོས་མ།)
vii. Goddess of Light (Marmema or Nangselma སྣང་གསལ་མ།)
viii. Goddess of Perfume (Drichabma དྲི་ཆབ་མ།)
34) The sun (ཉི་མ།)
35) The moon (ཟླ་བ།)
36) The precious umbrella (རིན་པོ་ཆེའི་གདུགས།)
37) The royal banner victorious in all directions (ཕྱོགས་ལས་རྣམ་པར་རྒྱལ་བའི་རྒྱལ་མཚན།)
༄༅། །མཎྜལ་སོ་བདུན་མ་བཞུགས་སོ། །
The Thirty-Seven Point Maṇḍala Offering
by Chögyal Pakpa Lodrö Gyaltsen
om benza bhumi ah hung
oṃ vajrabhūmi āḥ hūṃ
zhi yongsu dakpa wangchen ser gyi sa zhi
The earth is the golden ground, completely pure, full of beauty and power.
om benza rekhé ah hung
oṃ vajrarekhe āḥ hūṃ
chi chakri khoryuk gi korwé ü su hung
The circular iron mountain wall completely surrounds it; in the centre is the letter hūṃ—
ri gyalpo rirab
Meru, the king of mountains;
ཤར་ལུས་འཕགས་པོ། ལྷོ་འཛམ་བུ་གླིང༌།
shar lüpakpo lho dzambuling
In the East is Pūrvavideha, in the South is Jambudvīpa,
ནུབ་བ་ལང་སྤྱོད། བྱང་སྒྲ་མི་སྙན།
nub balangchö jang draminyen
In the West is Aparagodānīya, in the North is Uttarakuru.
ལུས་དང་ལུས་འཕགས། རྔ་ཡབ་དང་རྔ་ཡབ་གཞན།
lü dang lüpak ngayab dang ngayab zhen
Beside them are Deha and Videha, Cāmara and Aparacāmara,
yoden dang lamchok dro
Śāthā and Uttaramantriṇa,
draminyen dang draminyen gyi da
Kurava and Kaurava.
རིན་པོ་ཆེའི་རི་བོ། དཔག་བསམ་གྱི་ཤིང༌།
rinpoche riwo paksam gyi shing
The jewel mountain, the wish-fulfilling trees,
འདོད་འཇོའི་བ། མ་རྨོས་པའི་ལོ་ཏོག
döjöba mamöpé lotok
The wish-fulfilling cows, the harvest which needs no sowing,
འཁོར་ལོ་རིན་པོ་ཆེ། ནོར་བུ་རིན་པོ་ཆེ།
khorlo rinpoche norbu rinpoche
The precious wheel, the precious gem,
བཙུན་མོ་རིན་པོ་ཆེ། བློན་པོ་རིན་པོ་ཆེ།
tsünmo rinpoche lönpo rinpoche
The precious queen, the precious minister,
གླང་པོ་རིན་པོ་ཆེ། རྟ་མཆོག་རིན་པོ་ཆེ།
langpo rinpoche tachok rinpoche
The precious elephant, the precious horse,
དམག་དཔོན་རིན་པོ་ཆེ། གཏེར་ཆེན་པོའི་བུམ་པ།
makpön rinpoche ter chenpö bumpa
The precious general, the vase of great treasure,
སྒེག་པ་མ། ཕྲེང་བ་མ།
gekpama trengwama
The goddess of beauty, the goddess of garlands,
གླུ་མ། གར་མ།
luma garma
The goddess of song, the goddess of dance,
མེ་ཏོག་མ། བདུག་སྤོས་མ།
metokma dukpöma
The goddess of flowers, the goddess of incense,
སྣང་གསལ་མ། དྲི་ཆབ་མ།
nangsalma drichabma
The goddess of light, the goddess of perfume,
ཉི་མ། ཟླ་བ། རིན་པོ་ཆེའི་གདུགས།
nyima dawa rinpoche duk
The sun, the moon, the precious umbrella,
chok lé nampar gyalwé gyaltsen
The royal banner victorious in all directions:
lha dang mi paljor pünsum tsokpa matsangwa mepa
There is all the bountiful wealth of gods and men, complete and flawless—
di nyi
All this:
ཡོན་དུ་འབུལ་བར་བགྱིའོ། །
yön du bulwar gyi o
I offer—
tukjé drowé döndu zhé su sol
Please accept it, with compassion, for the benefit of beings.
zhé né jingyi lab tu sol
Having accepted it, please grant your blessing!
Short Mandala Offering
- Tsem Trulku Rinpoche
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